Strong laws make water security possible. This Platform shows how law drives water security and gives you the tools to make sure your country is committed to a water secure future.


Browse sanitation laws, as well as summaries, deep dives, and human right profiles to assess how robust the enabling environment for sanitation is in your country.

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Browse sanitation laws and analyses from a growing number of countries.

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Fact Sheets, Resources

Download country-specific analyses of the human right to sanitation as well as other sanitation resources and tools.

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Source Documents

Browse sanitation laws, regulations, and policies from different countries.

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Water Security

Browse the laws governing water security, as well as summaries, deep dives, and resources for actualizing water security.

Law by Country

Browse water security laws and analyses from a growing number of countries.

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Quickly compare the water security laws from different countries.


Fact Sheets, Resources

Browse sanitation laws, regulations, and policies from different countries.

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Source Documents

Browse laws, regulations, and policies governing water security from different countries.

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